

Geer, L.C. (2024, December). Using ASL at Home independently: Motivations and support. Accepted to be presented at SIGN10 at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago. 9-12 December 2024 (Not attending due to current travel advisory for Trinidad & Tobago)

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2024, November) Using ASL at Home to Support Language Access. Invited presentation for the Regional Early Acquisition of Language (REAL) and the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. Washington, DC. 

Geer, L.C. (2024, October). Crafting Standout Resumes for Graduate School Applications. Invited presentation for R.A.I.N.B.O.W. at Sacramento State. 17 October 2024.

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2024, September) Translanguaging: Language Builds Language. Invited presentation for the Hands & Voices Northern California Family Camp. 6-8 September 2024. 

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2024, July) Working together to support language. Invited virtual presentation for the Deaf Children’s Society of British Columbia.

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2024, July) Using ASL at Home: Foundations and Tips for Success. Invited virtual presentation for the Georgia Department of Education.

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2024, April) ASL at Home: Its Basis, How to use it and more! Invited virtual presentation for Iona College Interdisciplinary Advanced Certificate in Deafness.

Geer, L.C. (2024, April). Using ASL at Home: Family stories in their words. Presented at the 2024 ECE Summit. Gallaudet University, Washington, DC. 26 April 2024.

Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. (2024, March). Examining a family-centered ASL curriculum: Provider input and parent progress. Presented at the Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Conference. Denver, CO. 17-19 March 2024

Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. (2024, February). Speech and Hearing Professionals and Deaf Communities: Bridging the Gaps. Presented for the Sacramento State chapter of the Student Academy of Audiology. 27 February 2024.

Geer, L.C. (2024, February). Using ASL at Home: Provider and parent experiences. Presented for the University of Michigan Sign Language & Multimodal Communication Lab. 19 February 2024.


Sanzo, K. & Geer, L.C. (2023, November). Identifying Articulatory Errors in Signed Languages. To be presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. Boston, MA. 16-18 November 2023 (forthcoming).

Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. (2023, November) Examining a FamilyCentered ASL Curriculum: Provider Perceptions and Parent Outcomes. An invited presentation for Language First. 5 November 2023 (forthcoming).

Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. (2023, October). ASL Phonology 101 & Advanced Applications for ASL at Home. An invited presentation for the British Columbia Early Hearing Program. 3 October 2023.

Geer, L.C. (2023, September). The Anatomy and Physiology of Sign Language Articulation. An invited presentation for the Carter Hears! Educator Series. Fort Hill, SC. 8 September 2023.

Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. (2023, September). A community approach to passing down language: Examining a family-centered ASL Curriculum. To be presented at the California Educators of the Deaf (Cal-ED) Annual Conference. Sacramento, CA. 30 September 2023.

Geer, L.C. (2023, March 28). Disability is Diversity: Unpacking Audism & Planning Proactively for Access. Presented at the Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan Symposium. California State University, Sacramento. 28 March 2023.

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. (2023, March 19). The Linguistics of SLP Practice: Apply What You Know to Signed Languages. An invited presentation for Language First. 19 March 2023.

Geer, L.C. (2023, March 10). Imposterism and victories: My journey to the professoriate. An
invited presentation for the NTID PI Prime-Time Presentation Series. 10 March 2023 .

McDaniel, J., Hall, M., Esplund, A., Geer., L.C., Walker, A. (2023, 5 March). Considering the Impact of Diverse and Dynamic Language Access on Meeting ASL and English Language Milestones: Insights from the Language Assessment Program – Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Presented at the Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio. 5-7 March 2023.

Geer, L.C. (2023, January 17). Disability is Diversity: Unpacking Audism & Planning Proactively for Access. Presented at the Diversity Leadership Online Conference. California State University, Sacramento. 17-19 January 2023.


Teaching hearing parents ASL to enrich language at home

Zarchy, R.M. & Geer, L.C. To be presented at the International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition 4 (ICSLA 4). Online conference. 23-25 July 2022. (Forthcoming)

Unconscious Audism in Interpreting: Considerations for Harm Reduction
Geer, L.C. An invited workshop for the Sacramento Valley Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (SaVRID). 10 April 2022.

Understanding deaf people and culture in interprofessional healthcare teams
Geer, L.C. An invited presentation for SIPE. 30 March 2021. (recording)


ASL Linguistics for Interpreters
Geer, L.C. An invited workshop for the American River College ASL-English Interpreting Program. 10 December 2021.

Enriching language acquisition at home by teaching hearing parents ASL
Geer, L.C. & Zarchy R. M. (2021).  Lesico Online, in conjunction with the European Network of Sign Language Teachers. 3-5 September 2021. (Conference cancelled)

Geer, Leah C. & Zarchy, Razi M. Presented (pre-recorded video) at the National Deaf Education Conference. 24-25 June 2021 

Geer, Leah C. & Zarchy, Razi M. Presented at the Deaf Education Alliance Summit: Connecting the Dots. 4-6 June 2021 (Virtual Conference)

Geer, Leah C. Presented at the California State University, Sacramento Community Engagement Center Virtual Showcase. 7 May 2021

Zarchy, Razi M. & Geer, Leah C. An invited presentation for the Deafness Specialization Program at Nazareth College. 29 March 2021.

ASL Linguistics for Interpreters
Geer, L.C. An invited workshop for the Sacramento Valley Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (SaVRID). 21 March 2021.

Deconstructing Ableism and Fighting for Social Justice
Geer, L.C & Zarchy, R.M. Invited guest presentation for Neshama, the religious school at Congregation Beth Shalom. 23 February 2021.

Imposter Syndrome and Victories: My Journey to the Professoriate
Zarchy (Geer), L.C. Invited presentation for the NTID/RIT ASL Lecture Series. 19 February 2021

SLPs and Deaf Communities: Bridging the Gaps
Geer, L.C. & Zarchy, R.M. Invited presentation for the CSUS Chapter NSSHLH Student Conference, 6 February 2021

Geer, Leah C. (2021, January).Presented at the organized POSTER (Presentation Opportunities for Scholarly Teaching, Education, and Resources) session on Scholarly Teaching in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond.  Linguistics Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting. 7-10 January 2021. (Virtual Conference)

ASL Linguistics for SLPs Workshop Series
Geer, L.C. Invited workshops for Language First. 4 workshops on 3 & 10 January covering ASL Phonology, glossing, ASL Morphology, and ASL Syntax.


ASL Linguistics for SLPs

Leah C. Geer. Invited Webinar for Language First. 13 September 2020

Leah Geer Zarchy. Poster shared at the Relation-Centered Education Network Conference. Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA. Online conference 6-8 June 2020

Leah Geer Zarchy. Poster included in the digital program for the 26th Annual Multicultural Education Conference. Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA. 25 April 2020.

Leah Geer Zarchy. Accepted at the California Educators of the Deaf (Cal-ED) 2020 Conference, Fremont, CA. Originally set for March 20-22, 2020 but postponed until Fall 2020 (date TBD) as a result of COVID-19.


Leah Geer. Presented at the Multicultural Education Conference. Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA , March 30, 2019


Leah Geer & Razi Zarchy. Presented at the Multicultural Education Conference. Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA , April 21, 2018


Leah Geer. Presented at the Multicultural Education Conference. Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA , February 25, 2017

Leah Geer & Jonathan Keane. Presented at the 91st meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA), Austin, TX, January 5-8, 2017


Leah Geer & Jonathan Keane. Presented at the High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS) Conference, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, November 13th, 2016

Improving  fingerspelling comprehension in L2 learners through explicit phonetic instruction

Leah Geer. Presented as part of the Vl2 lecture series, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, October 14th, 2016

Improving fingerspelling comprehension in second language learners of ASL. 

Leah Geer and Jonathan Keane. Presented at the Texas Language Education Research (TexLER) Conference, San Antonio, TX. February 19-20, 2016

Jonathan Keane and Leah Geer. Presented at TISLR 12, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. January 5, 2016


Poster presented at the iSLC Conference: Eighth Annual Inter-Science of Leaning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference San Diego, CA. June, 2015. 


Workshop to be presented at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) conference. Tampa, Florida. October, 2014 

Workshop to be presented at the National Association of Social Workers: Texas Conference. San Marcos, TX. October, 2014

Exploring factors that contribute to successful fingerspelling comprehension. 

Presented at Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC `14). Reykjavík, Iceland. May, 2014 

Holds or Transitions: Which Is More Important? 

Presented at CLS 50, Chicago, IL, April 10-12, 2014


Presented at the 10th meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT). Leipzig, Germany. August, 2013 

Presented at the 87th Linguistic Society of American (LSA) Annual Meeting 2013. Boston, MA. Jan 3-6, 2013


Presented at the 10th meeting of the High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS). Albuquerque, NM. November, 2012

Linking an ID-gloss database of ASL with child language corpora. 

Presented at The 5th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Interactions between Corpus and Lexicon at Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC `12). Istanbul, Turkey. May, 2012 

Sources of variation in Mongolian Sign Language. 

SALSA XX, Austin, TX. April, 2012

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language (M.A.L.). University of Texas at Austin; Austin TX, February 2012


Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language (M.A.L.). University of Texas at Austin; Austin TX, November 2011


Presented at the 3L Summer School for Language Documentation and Description Student Conference. Leiden, The Netherlands. July 2010

Language Attitudes in Signers of Mongolian Sign Language. 

Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. May, 2010

Anatomical Markedness in Handshape Acquisition: Is that the full story?

University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba. April, 2010